Wednesday 3 September 2014

It was wonderful to see students in year one year seven and thirteen arrive this morning. They were all very smart and the challenge will be to ensure that standards remain as high throughout the year. The primary school come back to two new rooms one of which is ready and the other should be available at the beginning of next week.

Teaching and support staff have been in school since the beginning of the week and training has been focussed as ever, on teaching and learning and pastoral care. The school development plan is a detailed document but in particular this year we will be focusing on:

Marking feedback and assessment

Student voice

Stretch and challenge for the most able


Consolidation of common approach for reading writing and communication

Ensuring all students are involved in enrichment opportunities

Staff in Cathedral Primary School joined us for a joint safeguarding training session and it was good to be able to welcome a total of 17 new staff to both schools.

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